
There are four toolbars that may be used with the program.

  1. Main
  2. Helpers
  3. Form Elements
  4. Drop down combo boxes
  5. Document Assistant


Toolbars - Main

Functions (listed from left to right, top row then bottom row):
New File, Open File, Save File, Save File As, Print (not implemented), Find, Find and Replace, Copy, Cut, Past, Undo, Delete, Link Manager, Image Assistant, Script Assistant, Table Wizard, Tags, Special Characters, Format Document, Quick Text Format, Center, Right, Bold, Italic, Underline, Line Break (<BR>), Paragraph, Quick Color, About, Exit


Toolbars - Helpers

Functions (listed from left to right):
Scratch Pad, Notepad, Calculator, Windows Explorer, Local URL Viewer, File Case Renamer, Quick File, Document Assistant Toolbar

Form Elements:

Functions (listed from left to right):
Form method/action, Textbox, Textarea, Checkbox, Radio button, Select, Image (submit), Hidden, Password, Reset, Button (for scripting only), Submit

Drop down combo boxes:

Toolbars - dopr down combos

Functions (listed from left to right):
Headings, Font Name, Font Size, User Strings

Document Assistant:

Document Assistant Toolbar

The top two buttons toggle the active document between source mode and preview mode. The bottom two buttons toggle the Virtual Directories setting between disabled and enabled.

This toolbar can be aligned and closed at any time by right clicking over the toolbar and accessing the toolbar's configuration menu. This toolbar can also be enabled and disabled from the Helpers toolbar and the View Menu. Using the previously mentioned enable and disable options will only effect the current session of RCEdit. If users want to persist their desire to enable or disable this toolbar they can do so from the Options dialog by clicking the "Start program with Document Assistant Enabled" option.

Document Assistant Configuration Menu